Meet the Hippity Chickity Family

Erin O’Shaughnessy-The Hen of the farm

This tough Irish gal grew up on a 200 acre tree farm in Washington. On the tree farm she helped maintain natural habitats for the bobcats, large herds of elk, cougars and amphibians that lived on the land. Erin not only has been to various farms in the United States, but she has visited various types of farms internationally, including dairy farms in New Zealand, arboretums in Tasmania and fruit farms in Australia and Costa Rica, just to name a few.

She has lived in her fair share of small houses and apartments during her career and studies. But no matter where she was, without a piece of the farm in her life, her home didn’t feel quite complete. Since she knew research backed the benefits of having nature in your life and home, she realized more families in urban areas were missing a key component to make them happier, healthier and more creative…the FARM!

Connect with this urban hippie to subscribe to our groovy HC Farm newsletter

Travis Stone-The Rooster of the farm

This groovy dude has a Bachelor’s degree in anthropology and a Master’s Degree in geographic information sciences. But that’s not all folks, he is also an enrolled tribal member of the Shoshone Bannock Tribe and is the Land Use Director in Fort Hall. Travis has worked on wind energy projects and has spent 16 years doing work to protect fish and wildlife, land, habitat, and water.

As a tribal member, Travis enjoys traditional hunting and fishing and passing on his passion for protecting native fish and wildlife with others.

He knows there are a myriad of health benefits to incorporating STEM sciences into your daily life. However, he noticed families in more populated areas are not getting the same access and benefits to these sciences compared to families in more rural areas. He is passionate about bringing more health and lifestyle benefits to our city friends.

He also is the muscle behind our beautiful, artistic and sustainable red wood products.

Connect with this groovy wood worker:

Chicks of the farm

Our coop is always full on our farm. And this clutch of animals and kids just LOVE all things nature, conservation, imagination and helping teach other kids just how cool the sweet farm life is!